Friday, February 26, 2016

Johann Gutenberg

The German inventor and printer Johann Gutenberg was the inventor of movable-type mechanical printing in Europe.
During the 1400's books were rare and valuable. In Mainz, Germany, each page of a book was hand lettered by scribes.
Watch the videos below to learn about Gutenberg.
To learn more about Johann Gutenberg click the link below:

Saturday, February 13, 2016

King Henry VIII

Henry was born on June 28, 1491.  He was the first English king to be educated under the influence of the Renaissance.  He had teachers that were famous poets.  He became a scholar and could speak many languages.  He was a talented musician and a very good athlete.  Henry became king when his older brother died, and then his father died.

Watch the following videos to learn more:

Here is a song about King Henry VIII:

Finally, you can test what you know (and learn some more!) by playing the following game.  The link will take you to the correct page.  Scroll down and you will see a box on the right that says "Games".  Click on the words "Henry VIII" to play.  Have fun!!