Thursday, December 8, 2016

Spring Semester

For spring semester we will be covering the following for Early Modern Times:

Co-op 1: American Revolution

Co-op 2: Captain Cook

Co-op 3: Industrial Revolution

Co-op 4: Lewis & Clark/Napoleon Bonaparte

Co-op 5: Trail of Tears

Co-op 6: Gold Rush

Co-op 7: Lap book/Jeopardy

Looking forward to great semester!

Sunday, November 6, 2016

The Forbidden City

 Jesus said to them, “Let the little children come to me, and do not FORBID them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these.

Welcome to The Forbidden City.  Click on the links below to learn about this amazing city, take a virtual tour and play online games.

For fun with a Chinese game....

Play tangrams. Choose a picture to make. Click “lines on.” Move and turn the shapes to get them to fill in the shape. This is tricky

Extra Credit PreK-K

Bring a picture of you with something from China, or bring an item to show!

Color a picture of the Forbidden City


Bring a picture of you with something from China, or bring an item to show!

Write two paragraphs on the Ming Dynasty.

Write a list of 10 amazing facts about the Forbidden City.

Friday, October 21, 2016

Peter The Great

Chapter 17 (Co-op 5):Peter The Great

Bible Verse: "Above all, love each other deeply because love covers over a multitude of sins."
-1 Peter 4:8

Click on the videos below to learn about Peter the Great.  They will help you answer your History Detective questions.

Extra Credit 


1) Color a picture of Peter the Great, a map of Russia, or the Russian flag.

1st-4th graders

1).  List 10 changes Peter the Great made to Russia

2) Draw a map of Russia, including some of the seas that are by the county and some of the biggest cities. 

3) Complete all or some of a Russian or Peter the Great lap book. 

Here is a link to one of the many Russian lap books that can be completed:

Here is another example (Peter the Great)
Image result for peter the great notebook

Monday, October 10, 2016


Watch the video below about The Thirty Years' War to answer questions on the History Detective.

Click on the link below to read more about The Thirty Years' War


Extra Credit Options:
1. Color or draw a picture of Gustavus II (King of Sweden) or Ferdinand II(King of Germany)

2. Map work on Protestant and Catholic Europe

3. Share a poem about The Thirty Years' War

4. Research and write about who had to elect the Holy Roman Emperor

Friday, September 16, 2016

Sumo wrestling 9/16/2016

Pilgrims and the Mayflower

                                Pilgrims and the Mayflower

Psalm 100:4 Enter his gates with thanksgiving and his courts with praise! Give Thanks to Him and praise his name.

Next co-op we will be learning about the Pilgrims.  Check out these sites to learn some interesting facts about the Pilgrims. Use this video to answer History Detective.

Take a Quiz....

Be a History Detective and expose the myths about the First Thanksgiving......

Extra Credit:
1. Write a paragraph about the pilgrims military leader, 

    Captain Myles Standish or their elected Seperatist leader William Bradford.

2. List 10 facts about the Pilgrims journey on the Mayflower

3. List 5 similarities and 5 differences about the life of a Pilgrim child compared to your life

4. Make a Pilgrim hat/come to coop dressed as a pilgrim

5. Color/label a map of the New Colonies in the New World

Friday, September 2, 2016

Warlords Of Japan


Chapter 5: Warlords of Japan

 "Put on the full armor of God so that you can take your stand against the devil's schemes"
-Ephesians 6:11 

Use the links and pictures below to answer questions on your History Detective!

Toyotomi Hideyoshi

Image result for Tokugawa Ieyasu

Tokugawa Ieyasu

Hierarchy of Feudal Japan

Sumo Wrestling Fun Facts: Optional Video
**Viewer Discretion (Sumo Wrestling Clothing)

Virtual Sumo Wrestling Game:

Map of Japan

japan map

Extra Credit:
1) Color a picture of Hideyoshi, a kimono, or a map of Japan
2) Eat a food of the Japanese culture and bring in a picture of you eating it.
3) Watch Veggie Tales Sumo Of the Opera and have a parent help you write a sentence telling your favorite part.
4) Dress up in Japanese attire (wear a kimono/samurai outfit) and have a parent help you write a sentence about the outfit you are wearing.

1) Draw or paint a picture using traditional Japanese art
2) Help prepare a meal of the Japanese culture for your family and bring in a picture of you trying and/or preparing the food.
3) Create your own Japanese Lapbook.
4) Watch Veggie Tales Sumo of the Opera and write about your favorite part.
5) Dress up in Japanese attire (wear a kimono/samurai outfit) and write a sentence about the outfit you are wearing.

A good resource for Japanese crafts, recipes, color pages, and lapbooks:

Another resource for Japanese virtual cultures, quizzes, and games:

Sunday, August 21, 2016

~Bible Verse: Therefore you will joyously draw water from the springs of salvation. Isaiah 12:3~
 Finding the Northwest Passage Below you will find links to discover more about Samuel Champlain and Henry Hudson. Use this information to answer the questions on your History Detective.
 Image result for picture of henry hudsonImage result for picture of samuel champlain

Henry Hudson & Samuel Champlain

Click on the link below and choose Henry Hudson as your explorer, and discover how much you know about exploring.

Extra Credit - Choose One

1st-4th grade
1. Write a silly song (ex. rap or rhyme )or poem about the Northwest Passage and what it is today and share it with the class.

2. Draw a map of the Northwest Passage.

3. Write a story about Henry Hudson or Samuel Champlain and their search for the Northwest Passage.

4. Draw a picture of the The Halve Maen (Half Moon), Henry Hudson, or Samuel Champlain and write a description on the back to share with the class.


1. Color a map of Northwest Passage, Samuel Champlain, or Henry Hudson.

Thursday, July 14, 2016

Welcome to Tri-County Elementary History. We will be using the blog to study the 1600's - 1850 ~ Early Modern Times. An optional text is Story of the World Vol. 3. If you do not have Story of the World, checking out books from the library related to the topics listed is an option.

 Below is a list of topics we will cover in class.

Co-op 1 : Searching for the Northwest Passage, Samuel Champlain and Henry Hudson
Co-op  2:   Warlords of Japan, Sumo Wrestling
Co-op  3:   Plymouth Rock ~ Mayflower
Co-op  4:   The Thirty Years' War
Co-op  5:   Peter the Great
Co-op  6:   Forbidden City ~ Chinese Emperor
Co-op  7:   Assemble Lapbooks and play review game

Tuesday, April 5, 2016

William Shakespeare
April 23, 1564

    Love all, trust a few,
       do wrong to none.

What is a playwright? It is someone who writes plays for people to act in.  William Shakespeare is one of the most famous playwright's in history.

What's so special about Shakespeare?

He was an English poet, playwright, and actor. Some of the plays that are famous today are Romeo and Juliet, Macbeth, Hamlet and Midsummer Night's Dream.

Watch the videos below to learn more about Shakespeare's life.




Saturday, March 26, 2016

The Tudor Sisters

Remember King Henry VIII?


King Henry VIII (of the Tudor family Dynasty) was obsessed with having an heir to his throne (and that heir being a boy!) His crazy obsession caused him to make lots of horrible decisions. You may remember all of his wives....and their stories! Here is a quick recap of what happened to his 6 wives....divorced, beheaded, died, divorced, beheaded, survived!

So Who were the Tudor Sisters?
King Henry VIII's first two marriages gave him daughters, Mary and Elizabeth. They were 1/2 sisters. His third wife bore him a son, Edward.

The crown was passed as follows
King Edward
Queen Mary Tudor
Queen Elizabeth I

Watch this video to learn about Queen Mary Tudor
Image result for image of bloody mary tudor

Watch this video to learn a bit about Queen Elizabeth I

FOR this game to defeat Henry VIII at London Tower

Friday, February 26, 2016

Johann Gutenberg

The German inventor and printer Johann Gutenberg was the inventor of movable-type mechanical printing in Europe.
During the 1400's books were rare and valuable. In Mainz, Germany, each page of a book was hand lettered by scribes.
Watch the videos below to learn about Gutenberg.
To learn more about Johann Gutenberg click the link below:

Saturday, February 13, 2016

King Henry VIII

Henry was born on June 28, 1491.  He was the first English king to be educated under the influence of the Renaissance.  He had teachers that were famous poets.  He became a scholar and could speak many languages.  He was a talented musician and a very good athlete.  Henry became king when his older brother died, and then his father died.

Watch the following videos to learn more:

Here is a song about King Henry VIII:

Finally, you can test what you know (and learn some more!) by playing the following game.  The link will take you to the correct page.  Scroll down and you will see a box on the right that says "Games".  Click on the words "Henry VIII" to play.  Have fun!!

Friday, January 29, 2016

Renaissance Art & Architecture

Renaissance means "rebirth."  So, why is this time in history named that?  Remember that the early part of the Middle Ages was ruled by the feudal system.  A great majority of the people during that time were peasants or serfs who could not read or write.  They were too busy working!  So the emphasis on education that the Greeks and Romans had was mostly lost.  But, during the Renaissance, those beliefs were "reborn".  Education, including art, architecture, and science became important again.

Read the following article that gives more information about the start of the Renaissance.

Two of the most influential Renaissance men were Leonardo da Vinci and Michelangelo.

Watch the following videos to learn more about these talented men.

Finally, read this article that explains some of the changes that were happening with architecture during the Renaissance.