Saturday, March 29, 2014

John F. Kennedy
Sometimes simply called "JFK," John Fitzgerald Kennedy became the youngest president ever elected at age 43.  He was also one of the most popular presidents.  Under his leadership, he guided this nation through the early 1960s, handling conflicts with other nations and working to improve the lives of all Americans.

Click the link below to read more about JFK:

Watch this video on Kennedy's life:

 EXTRA: The following link allows you to sit at President Kennedy's desk and click on objects to learn more about him.

Monday, March 10, 2014

Martin Luther King, Jr./Segregation
Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. was a leader in the Civil Rights Movement.  Dr. King fought for rights for African Americans.  This was his dream.  Dr. King used peaceful ways to fight for his dream.
Watch this clip below to learn more about Rosa Parks and her role in segregation.
Martin Luther King, Jr. mini bio.


Monday, March 3, 2014

WWII/Anne Frank

This traumatic period of history followed The Great Depression in the U.S.  Many people all over the world were suffering in difficult times.  Sadly, several evil leaders rose up to power and WWII began.

Click on the following link to read a brief overview of WWII:

Below is an interactive timeline of the war:

Anne Frank was one of many young Jewish girls at that time.  Her life was normal until the war began.  Watch the video below to learn more about this courageous girl.


(**Parent Note:  Please excuse the few typos in the video.  Also, the video mentions that Anne's family was betrayed by a family friend Victor Kugler.  That cannot be verified.  It still remains a mystery as to who actually betrayed them.  This was the best video that I could find which contained the information on her life but did not contain graphic/disturbing images of war.)