Monday, September 24, 2012

Next co-op we will be learning about the Pilgrims.  Check out these sites to learn some interesting facts about the Pilgrims.


The kids can pick one of the following extra credit options.
Extra Credit:
1. Write a paragraph about the Pilgrims military leader, Captain Myles Standish
2. List 10 facts about the Pilgrims journey on the Mayflower
3. List 5 similarities and 5 differences about the life of a Pilgrim child compared to your life
4. Make a Pilgrim hat
5. Color the map of the New Colonies in the New World 

Friday, September 7, 2012

We had a fun first co-op sailing, trading furs, trading spices and establishing a colony just like Samuel Champlain.  

Next co-op we will learn about Toyotomi Hideyoshi and the warlords of Japan.  Use the links below to answer the questions to your history detective.

The links below are to a video and a game called Little Samurai.

Samurai Ichijo Jiro Tadanori and Notonokami Noritsune fighting, c. 1818-1820.